NatMed is a Healthcare Management Software for Polyclinics, Pathology, X-Ray, USG with Softwares.
Choose from hundreds of various blood or other diagnostic tests. Enter values/result automatically and display normal range and methods.
2.Patient Management:Quick Registration of Patient and Manage Details.
3.Doctors/Staff Management:Add/View/Edit, Doctors/Staff Details.
4.Email:Email the Reports to Patient and referred Doctor.
5.Account Management:Fee displayed for each diagnostic test report. Itemised and general bill receipt.
6.Reports:Patient Test Reports, Patient details and old reports, Payment receipts.There are more than 700 reports
View doctors schedule and book time slot for patient.
2.Patient Management:Registration Details, Past History, Symptoms, Medicines current/prescribed.
3.Doctors/Staff Management:Add Doctors/Staff Details, Manage Doctors Schedule.
4.Account Management:Payment For consultation,treatment and diagnostics tests. Accept Payment Information for cash,cheque,debit or credit card.
5.Treatment:Record Treatment, Record Prescriptions.
6.Reports:Patient details, Daywise appointment, Doctorwise Schedule, Payment receipts.
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